Sprint goes to the trouble of opting-in subscribers, managing an email list, writing copy, and laying out graphics and yet the company provides no compelling reason for me to read its monthly enewsletter.
The layout is fine. The design is brand-consistent and strong. The customer service links and product offerings are convenient. But the features lack grab. The newsletter includes a pitch for how Sprint is “Going Green,” a pitch for the Palm Pre, a battery-saving tip, another pitch for “the perks of being with Sprint” (a blurb for live NFL Draft content available in April), another pitch about Sprint 4G, and a link to the thinly populated Sprint blog Buzz About Wireless, which is mainly about…. Sprint. It also offers a few helpful links, helpfully labeled “Helpful Links.” They were helpful.
The fundamental problem with Sprint Connection is that it’s predominantly brand-focused as opposed to customer-focused. The battery-saving tip might be useful, and the live NFL content is appealing. But overall, if the intention was to engage me in an informative (if not uplifting) brand experience, then Sprint Connection falls short.
What could salvage this Sprint effort? How about content customized for ME? Sprint knows I use a Moto Q device. They even include a photo of it in the body of the newsletter. How about some insight into my inner Q-ness? How do I get more from my device? How do I make it do useful things I’ve never considered? How do others like me use it?
When we talk about brand community marketing, the first rule of engagement is to engage the customer first. When you earn the customer’s attention with interesting, useful, and/or entertaining content, the customer then pays attention to your message(s). Unfortunately, brand-centric marketing communication is a hard habit to break. Sprint could make a better Connection.

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